Meet Mark

Now retired, Mark previously worked as a Health Services Manager for the Shrewsbury and Telford National Health Service Trust. He was also a founding member of the Marches Academy Trust. During his 35 years’ service to the Trust, Mark managed a team of up to 50 staff and developed his skills in logistics management, budgetary control, people management and statistical analysis. He took a strategic approach to the services that would be required in the future and during this time he reformed patient transport services in Shropshire and was part of several major redevelopments of the Trust.

Mark is a Board Member and UK ambassador for the Global DARE Foundation. He has been a governor for 30 years and is also a local Rotarian.

Mark Liquorish, Trustees | Marches Academy Trust

I am passionate about ensuring that our young people receive an education that equips them with the skills to survive in this modern world.

Mark Liquorish, Trustee

About Mark

Mark previously worked as a Health Services Manager for the Shrewsbury and Telford National Health Service Trust.

Other team members

Charlotte Allsopp | Marches Academy Trust
Nicola Fox | Marches Academy Trust
Claire Turner, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Cavelle Priestley-Bird, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Sarah Finch, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust

Mandy Jones

Executive Director of Education (School Improvement)

Amy Chevin-Dooley

Executive Director of Education (Inclusions and LEAD for Safeguarding and SEND)

Charlotte Allsopp

Executive Director of Finance and Business

Claire Turner

Senior Executive Director of Education

Alison Pearson

Executive Director of Education

Cavelle Priestley-Bird

Executive Director of People and Development