Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth was appointed as a Member by the Diocese of Lichfield in December 2024. She is deeply involved with her local community having been a school governor since 2017 for Mere’s Edge Federation which consists of Cockshutt and Criftins Primary Schools. She is currently Chair of the Local Governing Body. She also is actively involved with her local Church.

I hope to help the Trust advance equality of opportunity for all our young people, providing them with the support and guidance they need to aspire to great things.

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a qualified Solicitor working for His Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service as a Justices’ Legal Advisor. She has been in this role since 2002, advising in criminal, youth and family courts and is currently specialising in the family court where the best interests of the child are paramount.

She has had responsibility for the Probation and Youth panels, closely collaborating with partners in the Criminal Justice Service. Prior to joining the courts service, Elizabeth worked in Oswestry, Wrexham, and Shrewsbury in criminal defence.

She is originally from Knockin and has two children.

Other team members

Charlotte Allsopp | Marches Academy Trust
Nicola Fox | Marches Academy Trust
Claire Turner, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Cavelle Priestley-Bird, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust
Sarah Finch, Team Members | Marches Academy Trust

Mandy Jones

Executive Director of Education (School Improvement)

Amy Chevin-Dooley

Executive Director of Education (Inclusions and LEAD for Safeguarding and SEND)

Charlotte Allsopp

Executive Director of Finance and Business

Claire Turner

Senior Executive Director of Education

Alison Pearson

Executive Director of Education

Cavelle Priestley-Bird

Executive Director of People and Development